Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes

You can change the transition mode between keyframes in your animations by using different interpolation types. In Kanzi you can use linear, step, and Bezier interpolation types.

To change the interpolation mode between keyframes:

  1. Double-click an Animation Data item or an Animation Clip to open it in the Animation Clip Editor.
  2. In the Animation Clip Editor use the Move tool to select two or more keyframes and then select the interpolation mode:For example, to convert keyframes from linear to Bezier interpolation, use the Move tool to select the keyframes and click .

Using interpolation types in the API

For details, see BezierKeyframe, LinearKeyframe, and StepKeyframe classes in the API reference.

See also

Tutorial: Create keyframe animations

Creating keyframe animations

Creating animations and timelines using the Kanzi Engine API

Editing animation clips

Editing timeline sequences
